Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tennis Add

I am a bit of a fashion junkie. I spend maybe too much time reading fashion magazines or catching up with my favorite fashion bloggers. I also always think that when I find something I think is amazing that my husband will find it just as amazing as I do. He usually doesn't. And I am usually shocked by this. I should get the hint by now,'my husband is not interested in my fashion findings.' But I was to be proven wrong. There was one instance where he could not put the page from one of my fashion magazines down. He was so enchanted by the add he had to look at it for minutes. I was shocked and excited all in one.

The add, a Tommy Hilfiger add showing what looked like a family and some friends on a tennis court. The concept was great because first it was styled with a tennis look even though all the models were not wearing tennis sports clothing. This shows the luxury of the brand as tennis is usually seen a a sport for the elite. Secondly because there was such a wide variety of ages between the models, the children's and youth collections were also able to be shown. A great understated way to tell your customer "look we have kids and adolescent clothing as well." And thirdly it gives the image that Tommy Hilfiger is a family fashion brand with values. Creating a connection with the customer like this is very important and valuable.

The reason why my husband was so drawn to this add lies in his past. He was an extremely amazing tennis player in his youth. That is where he spent all his time from the age of 7 to 17. He also finds family bonds extremely important. So this add connected him to almost all his memories from his youth and his values in family. That's what you call good advertizing.

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