Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Anniversary

So today I have now been married for three years. Wow that sounds so long it still feels like we are dating. How did three years go by so fast? So to commemorate the day I decided to post some of Tommy's more romantic photos.

I don't think it will be the most romantic anniversary because my sister is visiting, so our festivities will probably include her.  But then last year my husband was in the hospital and we were able to create a romantic experience out of that.  I made sushi at home and brought it to him in the hospital during visiting hours wearing my wedding dress.  We had a candle lit lunch in a sterile environment with sick people coughing in the background almost like birds chirping.  Well it was candle lit until the nurse told me I had to blow out the candles so that the sprinkler system didn't get triggered.  It might had been even more romantic if the nurses didn't have to check his drip every time we began to reminisce about our wedding day.  I guess you need to work with what you have.

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