Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can we do a re-do on Christmas?

I want a redo on Christmas. I know everyone says Christmas is their favorite time of year but I mean it. I could redo Christmas over and over again and I won't get sick of it. I love the build up to the event too. You start just after Thanksgiving with the decorations. Not just at home but the whole city gets its lights and it almost feels like the cheer is then blanketed over all the buildings around you. Then you start to think about the best thing to get for those who you love the most. Then comes the Christmas parties with friends and you know it's only a week away. And when Christmas eve arrives you think it all went by so fast, I want a redo. But the great thing about living in Holland is there is TWO Christmas days. That is one tradition I need to bring back to America.

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