Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Retro Wednesday- Golfing

So these old stylish golfing suits are no longer the norm on the course but it's amazing how the argyle sweater vest and sports jacket have both made their way into the daily wardrobe of men today.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

This is a tribute to my mother.  A few years ago my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I am so happy she is now alive and well and that I am able to share mothers day with her.  Thanks to all who help with breast health and research. You are the reason why I am still able to have my mother around.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Next Add for Tommy

Tommy Hilfiger's adds are always telling a story. The stories are about a family also including friends and maybe cousins, aunts, uncles, or grandparents on vacations or family outings. These outings include trips to the lake, ski trips, pool side lounging, playing tennis, and most recently a hiking excursion. I am just waiting for the add where the family goes to a polo match or horse race. I think Tommy Hilfiger could do a spectacular job with this theme.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Night Movie: The Hilfigers


I love these clips Hilfiger does because it has a fun energy to it. You don't just see a bunch of models running around in heals trying to look sexy. You can tell they are all having a good time. There is a personality behind each model. The more clips like this and the more adds we see with these same models the more we see the characters come out.